Fast & Easy Meal Prep - Mockup (1)

If you’re stressed out when choosing a meal, the issue is likely much deeper…

But, while you recover (or avoid) burnout, you can stress less, save your energy from decision fatigue, and have more time to spend with those you love (10+ hours more per week!) with these quick meals.

Drop your name & email below to get instant access to your fast & easy Meal Prep Recipes!

I’m all about simple, no-fuss strategies and this meal prep guide is just that!

What’s heading to your inbox?
Let’s break it down:

  • If you’re having problems choosing the meal, it’s actually a systemic issue which shows you you might possibly have burnout which leads to some serious consequences
  • You'll discover how food preparation & nutrition helps your body and mind maintain exactly what it needs
  • I'll reveal how to recover from burnout by using the right nutrients to feed your body

You'll also receive:

20 delicious make-ahead meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (snacks included, too!) 

Each meal is crafted to make your taste buds smile and fuel your mind and body during your busy days!

My handy tips to help you punch annoying ‘snack attacks’ in the face so you don’t give in when life gets hectic.

Inventive ideas to help you mix things up. The goal is for you to enjoy these recipes again and again… and not get bored with how they are served up!

Vegetarian meal prep containers with eggs, brussel sprouts, green beans and tomato. Dinner in lunch box. Top view. Flat lay

The golden ticket to finally mastering a habit of meal prep so you can save your precious time, energy, and money is on the other side of clicking this button!


Hey, I'm Stephanie!

The go-to anti-burnout coach who's all about practical solutions and quick wins.

As a former Special Education teacher trying to juggle multiple part-time jobs all while pursuing a doctorate, I’ve been in the trenches of burnout and have the strategies to tell the tale. 

Long story short, after becoming a certified holistic health coach & nutritionist I made it my mission to find people who are fighting through those same trenches and pulling them out. 

My Mission

To help busy, ambitious people like you break up with overwhelm, reclaim joy, and finally live a balanced life- - without sacrificing the things you love. 

I know what it’s like to be fueled by chocolate, pizza, and sheer willpower. That’s why I toss in a bit of rebellion in this wellness world because I want to share practical solutions that fit your REAL LIFE. 

So, I’ve packed all of my solutions up in a pretty package and now I’m giving them to you. 

If you’re ready for support, a friend who truly gets you, and a survivor of burnout who is committed to your health- - you’re in the right place. 

Let’s show the world that success and well-being can go hand in hand…

And you don’t have to journey through the land of burnout to get there!